Sunday, 26 August 2012

He Loved His Dogs - Too Closely

Man Charged with Sexual Activities with Dogs

boerbul dog photo
st bernard photo
A 23 year-old man was arrested last week on August 15 2012 for bestiality after (allegedly) having sex with two of his dogs. The man (whose name cannot be released at this time as investigations are in progress), who lives in Wentworth Par, Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South Africa was arrested after a member of the epublic contacted the National SPCA.

The Krugersdorp Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit of the SAPS (South African Police Services) went with NSPCA officials to the Wentworth Park home of the accused with a warrant to search the premises and impound the animals.

st bernard puppy photoThree dogs discovered on the premises, an 8 month old female St Bernard, an elderly Boerbul female and a male 3 month old St Bernard puppy were confiscated and handed over to the NSPCA.The dogs were examined by a veterinarian who concluded the female dogs had been sexually abused. The dogs will remain in the custody of the NSPCA pending the outcome of the court case.

Zoophilia is a Criminal Offence

Zoophilia, known more commonly as bestiality is a criminal offence in South Africa. According to Inspector Jaco Pieterse of the NSPCA this type of crime falls under Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act 32 of 2007. Fortunately for the dogs involved, the penalty for a conviction under this act are much more severe than the cruelty to animals charges more often laid for abusing animals.

Just Another Blot on A Nation Ridden with Sexual Offenders

The casual observer will be forgiven if he (or she) gets the impression South Africa is a nation of perverts. Rape is so prevalent in our society today many women feel threatened to leave their homes at all. And even then they are not safe. The media has brought several cases to the attention of the world in recent weeks of elderly women, some in their late 80's and 90's, being raped by young males.

This is in addition to the 'corrective rape' dealt out to young black gay women and the rape of minors as young as 3 months old. Members of one community have publicly stated there are 14 women raped every week in their community, which covers an area of 1.5 km

Symptoms of A Sick Society

By far the most rapes are carried out by BLACK males. However in this case of raping dogs, the offender appears to be a young white Afrikaans man.

We've all made or listened to jokes told in pubs about shepherds and their sheep, Aussies and kangaroos (and sheep), 'Van' and ducks at the brothel... The jokes may be distasteful, but that's all they are - jokes.

It takes a very special kind of sick mind to actually carry out the act...

Let Him Rot in Prison

I hope this pervert is jailed for a long time - in one of our delightful penal institutions. He will get his turn - is GUARANTEED in any prison in South Africa today.


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