South Africans pay less for Fuel than most other Developed Nations
South Africans pay less for Fuel than most other Developed Nations. This is what we are led to believe. Crap, bull, utter nonsense. This assumes we look at a direct foreign exchange rate.
Looking at a recent UK petrol price (source: AA) (Among the higher fuel costs in the world and 8th highest in Europe) of 138.5ppl (that's right folks, £1.39 /litre, and current South African fuel prices R11.77/l (for low grade 93 octane rubbish)
The direct conversion from UK to Rand results in a petrol price per litre of R17.45. Great - so far we are still cheaper.
BUT the majority of UK workers don't earn less than £790/ month and most South African workers DO earn less than R10 000/month, a lot less. If this source (Career Advice Monster) is to be believed, the average UK worker earns £30 000/ yr (male) and £24 000/ yr (female). So for simplicity lets use the female average - which is £2000.00 /month, or in humble rands - around R25 000.00 - which is a fairly respectable middle income for any South African. Tax rates are different, and so are other costs, but we are not discussing these right now.