I feel I'm on a Road to No-where
More than three years after parting ways with a previous venture, and fiddling around with a desktop publishing service for 2 years, then concentrating on web related matters, I feel I am still getting no-where slowly.
Where do I want the road to lead: Anywhere north east starting from Cape St Francs - as long as it's on the coast - and I can fish... For that matter - anywhere on the coast wouldn't be bad...
How many more years before this business venture is established well enough to make the move possible? I have no idea. Hell, it's not even profitable at this stage, not nearly. If I look at the prospects - they should really be good. But, and here's the but, by now it should at least be breaking even... and it's not, not even nearly. So the goal is as far away as it was 3 years ago.
The Years Go By
As each year goes by, summer comes and goes, and another winter approaches; and I'm not getting younger. The past year I have really started to feel old. Is this lost hope, or just old age creeping up. Whatever it is, time is flying, and this phase must end, one way or another.
All these hours behind a computer screen... too many... All these years parted from my closest... No solution in sight. I'm tired now, have had enough. I need to return to the sea. Before it's too late...